Mass Communications contains an equal combination of practical and theoretical skills – as found in our Journalism and Public Relations degrees – with academic study of media, film and culture.
On the practical side, modules include ‘News Journalism’, ‘Scriptwriting’ and ‘New Media’. As part of daily drop-in sessions, professional journalists are on hand to provide professional input into your work.
On the theory side, modules include ‘Media Studies’, ‘Cultural Theory and ‘Popular Culture’ and ‘Film Studies’
Why us?
- 93.4% of our graduates are in employment, further study or training within six months of graduating, according to DLHE 2016/17 (based on full-time, first degree, home leavers)
- Research in Communications, Cultural and Media Studies at Sunderland has been described as ‘world-leading’ by the latest Research Excellence Framework
- Our Media and Film Studies courses are ranked 15thin The Guardian University league tables 2018
Course structure
We use a variety of teaching methods including lectures, demonstrations, screenings, seminars, workshops, tutorials, small-group work, debates, group and individual project work, independent learning, open and resource-based learning, multimedia and new media learning, production practice and work placements.
Generally, the theory modules employ a lecture-plus-seminar format, while practice modules use workshop-tutorial and/or lecture-tutorial formats.
Assessment methods include portfolios of practical work, essays, examinations, reports and presentations.
This degree prepares you for a wide range of careers in newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, Public Relations and new media industries. It is also highly relevant to many positions in industry, commerce and the Civil Service, as well as to jobs in the arts and voluntary sectors.
Career opportunities
Recent graduates from Sunderland have gained jobs with employers such as:
- BBC (including Radio 1)
- Channel 4
- Sky TV
- The Guardian
- Regional newspapers
- PR companies
You could also choose to continue your studies with a Masters degree at the University of Sunderland.
The Enterprise Place
If you have a good idea for a new business and have the dedication and motivation to make it happen, then we want to hear from you. The Enterprise Place, based on-campus at St Peter’s Gate Business Centre, is the perfect environment for entrepreneurial students and graduates to turn their business ideas into reality. You’ll have access to free hot desk space, IT facilities, specialist advice and support and business mentors and networking opportunities.