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The programme aims to develop knowledge, technical skills and self-directed learning skills in computing, especially in areas affected by rapidly changing information technology. Final-year students carry out a complex real-world computing project. Modern computing and information system skills often become obsolete as new technology is developed. Therefore the programme strikes a balance between learning current skills, which are important in the marketplace, and emphasising the underlying theories, which last longer and which provide a sound basis for developing new skills, techniques and technologies, and even new theories. The social and organisational impacts of information technology are also included.
Graduates of our Computing/IT/Web Development Foundation Degree can gain this BSc with two years of further study. The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at Birkbeck is one of the first computing departments established in the UK; we will be celebrating our 62nd anniversary in 2019. We provide a stimulating teaching and research environment for both part-time and full-time students. Our world-class research activity informs our teaching and our interactions with business, public and third-sector organisations. We have four modern computing laboratories in the Department, with a total of 133 workstations. The labs have projection facilities and are air-conditioned. Our wide range of software runs on a number of platforms including Unix, Windows and Linux. The local area network is a switched gigabit/10gigabit ethernet. The Department and College computers are connected to the SuperJANET academic network via the London Metropolitan Network. Departmental computer services and networks are managed and supported by the Department’s Systems Group.
Graduates can pursue careers in software engineering, information systems management, research and consultancy. This degree may also be useful in becoming a database administrator, IT consultant, systems analyst or IT trainer. We offer a comprehensive Careers and Employability Service to help you advance your career, while our in-house, professional recruitment consultancy, Birkbeck Talent, works with London’s top employers to help you gain work experience that fits in with your evening studies.