Accounting With Finance (Bsc): 4-Year

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A good understanding of accounting and finance, and the environments in which they operate, is important for anyone working in, or wanting to enter, the accounting profession. You will develop a range of transferable skills, including quantitative and decision-making skills, supervisory and management skills and perceptive abilities. This programme attracts students from both the public and private sectors, including administrators, clerical workers and managers, as well as the self-employed. Because it is taught entirely by evening study, you are able to combine your academic studies with daytime commitments. The majority of our students work or care for a family, so you will be learning with people from a wide range of backgrounds and with a wide range of experiences. This creates a stimulating and supportive learning environment. Our tutorial/seminar sessions give you a chance to interact with your peers and develop insights into analysing and interpreting a wide and varied subject matter. This programme is also available for part-time evening study over four years.


Based in the School of Business, Economics and Informatics, the Department of Management is an internationally recognised centre of excellence in teaching, research and consultancy in the broad field of management. Our academic staff are active researchers as well as enthusiastic teachers, and regularly publish cutting-edge articles in the world’s leading journals. Birkbeck’s research excellence was confirmed in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework, which placed Birkbeck 30th in the UK for research, with 73% of our research rated world-leading or internationally excellent. We have particular research strengths in international business and strategy, the management of innovation and entrepreneurship, human resource management, corporate governance, sport management and marketing, as well as financial management and accounting. We engage in significant collaborative research and have excellent contacts with many public and private sector organisations, professional bodies and researchers at other academic institutions.


Graduates can pursue careers in accountancy, finance and management. This degree may also be useful in becoming a chartered accountant, chartered certified accountant, chartered management accountant or management consultant. We offer a comprehensive Careers and Employability Service to help you advance your career, while our in-house, professional recruitment consultancy, Birkbeck Talent, works with London’s top employers to help you gain work experience that fits in with your evening studies.

100% maturzystów, którym pomagamy rozpoczyna studia w UK lub na pierwszej uczelni brytyjskiej w Polsce.
Studiujesz po angielsku i dostajesz brytyjski dyplom!
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Polecam ekipę z Studia w Anglii! Właśnie wróciłam z wycieczki z Anglii gdzie oprócz zwiedzania atrakcji Londynu, zwiedzaliśmy różne uczelnie takie jak Coventry University i Bucks New University. Wycieczka była wspaniała, uczelnie piękne. Jest całkowicie inaczej jak się je widzi na żywo i rozmawia się pracownikami uczelni niż tylko czytanie o nich na internecie. Dziękuje za odpowiedzi na wszystkie moje pytania!

Wiktoria | Szczecin


Serdecznie polecam każdemu kto myśli o studiach w Anglii. Dla tych zdecydowanych i tych wahających się w podjęciu decyzji. Pytajcie a wasze wątpliwości zostaną rozwiane. Cały zespół ciężko pracuje aby każdemu z nas ułatwić pierwszy krok w drodzę ku wybranej karierze. Chciałabym bardzo podziękować Martynie i Darii za oddanie sprawie. Dziewczyny uwielbiam was, jesteście super!

Justyna | Łódź


Dzięki tej agencji dostałem się na wymarzone studia na kierunku Aerospace Systems Engineering. Agencja zrobi wszystko żeby pomóc swoim podopiecznym (nawet jak wpadną w tarapaty tak jak ja :D). Wszyscy są bardzo mili, uprzejmi, wyluzowani, ale i jednocześnie profesjonalni :) Pozostaje mi tylko polecić tą agencje z całego serduszka!

Mikołaj | Coventry University

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