Opis tego kierunku w języku polskim znajdziesz tutaj:
This course offers a unique insight into significant global issues combined with developing an in-depth knowledge of the media industry, and its practical application across multiple platforms.
This degree enables you to shape your study according to your strengths, interests and career ambitions. Combining these two subjects gives your degree an international and industry perspective that will make you stand out in the graduate employment market.
Our course combinations are designed so that what you learn in one subject will complement and enhance what you learn in the other. In your final year you can choose either to split your time evenly between your two subjects, or to specialise in one.
By choosing Global Studies and Media you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to engage with the world and in your professional career as a global citizen, with an enriched understanding of global trends and tensions.
- This degree offers work placement opportunities.
- 95% of our Media joint honours graduates are in work or further study within just six months of finishing their degree. (DLHE 2016 /17).
- Ranked in the UK’s Top 20 for student satisfaction for media studies (NSS 2018).
Careers and employability
Because you’ll develop such a wide range of skills and knowledge, your career options are really broad. In addition to the course content, you’ll develop key transferable skills including written and oral communication, critical analysis and a variety of IT skills. Plus you’ll become more self-motivated, be able to work independently and in teams, and develop excellent time management skills.
Many graduates also choose to undertake further study on one of our Masters-level courses or MPhil and PhD research degrees.