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Combine your passions for health and education with our Higher Education Academy (HEA) accredited MSc in Medical and Healthcare Education. Prepare yourself to become an educational leader of the future in the healthcare sector.
This inter-professional course is designed for registered professionals from across the healthcare sector, who are engaged in teaching or learning as part of their professional role. Reflecting the needs of our learners, our programme is delivered face to face in Cambridge and Chelmsford, as well as entirely online.
Designed to reflect the current trends and practices in health professions education, the Masters is aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework for Higher Education allowing you to apply for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.
This course will provide opportunities for you to engage with key principles and philosophies of teaching and learning, which you can apply in your specific professional context. You’ll be supported through this process through a range of activities and formative assessments, complemented by individual tutorials that encourage personal reflection and goal setting, developing you as an independent learner. Further to this you’ll be given the opportunity to develop specialist skills in healthcare education relating to your field, culminating in a research project in an area of your choice. You’ll have direct access to a Faculty with a wealth of experience in delivering healthcare education, who will support you in addressing an authentic research problem.
Practising what we preach, you’ll be introduced to and experiment with a wide range of active learning techniques. Reflecting this approach, you’ll demonstrate your learning through a series of non-traditional assessments. Studying alongside GPs, junior doctors, consultants, nurses, dentists, midwives, paramedics and other allied health professionals, discussion and inter-professional learning are key to the vibrancy of this course, enriching your student experience.
This course can also be taken as a PG Cert with the option of topping up to a full MSc.
The course is designed to support those already facilitating learning as part of their employment in the healthcare professions. However, nearly 50% of graduates from the course in the academic year 2016/17 reported that the course had helped them either secure a promotion within their current field, or had taken up a new role with a substantially more educational focus.
On this course you’ll develop an educational, training or mentoring role in your sector of healthcare. It’ll help your career path in education alongside clinical practice, enhancing your role in your team and enabling you to make a real difference.
It provides evidence to gain GP Trainer status and Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.
Principles of Medical and Healthcare Education
Introducing you to some of the key principles within medical and healthcare education. Encouraging you to reflect upon your own experiences, both as a learner and as an educator. Develop and enhance your own teaching practices, exploring principles, incorporating critical analysis of relevant literature. You’ll address practical aspects of teaching, from motivating learners through to designing effective learning resources to enhance your teaching strategies and we’ll provide guidance on planning, delivering and reflecting on teaching sessions to maximise the quality of your learning experience. There will be 5 taught workshops with further complementary resources and activities available online. Distance learners will have further resources and activities online which will be complimented with 5 webinars. The workshops and webinars will cover student engagement, teaching methods, student learning, assessment and feedback and reflective practice. You will be assessed through submission of a video of a taught session, a pre-session lesson plan with rationale and a post-session reflective piece. -
Philosophies of Medical and Healthcare Education
Engage with fundamental questions concerning the aims, values and outcomes of education, within your sphere of practice. You’ll be encouraged to reflect on your role within the educational process and how your personal aims and values might influence your practice. You’ll explore incidences of when policy and practice are misaligned and the practical implications of this within your field, drawing on your understanding of educational theory to propose solutions. Face-to-face delivery will be across 5 workshops with further complementary resources and activities available online. Distance learners will have further resources and activities online which will be complimented with 5 webinars. The workshops and webinars will cover values in education, curriculum design, the hidden curriculum, evaluation of education and lifelong learning. The assignment consists of two parts; submission of a poster, reflecting on how an educational thinker has influenced your practice and submission of essay, exploring an element of the ‘hidden curriculum’, the potential effects of this on your students, and suggestions for how this can, or should, be addressed. The summative assessment for the module is in two parts; a 15-minute presentation followed by a 15-minute oral defence of the research proposal and the completion of the faculty’s stage 1 ethics form.
Year one, optional modules
Principles of Simulation in Medical and Healthcare Education
Developed for those involved in, or interested in, developing and leading simulation-based learning within medical and healthcare education. Delivered using blended learning, you’ll be encouraged to critically explore the evidence base behind the use of simulation in medical education, before attending 2 workshops based in our state-of-the-art Simulation Suite here at Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford Campus. During these workshops you’ll experience simulation sessions as both a learner and facilitator, allowing you to see how the theoretical concepts behind simulation are applied in practice. You’ll be supported through the design and development of a simulation-based learning activity for your specific context and, in a final follow-up workshop, you’ll lead a session with your fellow students acting as co-facilitators and learners. Assessment for this module consists of the design and development of the participant-led simulation session, including; a session plan with a rationale for the learning theories chosen to underpin the design and justification for its need within their sphere of practice; an observation of the delivery of the participants planned session, with peer and tutor feedback; a critical evaluation and reflection on the design and delivery of their simulation-based learning activity, highlighting the learning you’ve taken from this process and recommendations for your future development within this field. -
Specialist Techniques for Medical and Healthcare Education
Develop specialist techniques required for your role in medical and healthcare education. You’ll have the opportunity to explore 5 techniques (of ten offered) that you believe will benefit your practice. You’ll be encouraged to reflect on how you might use these techniques to address identified areas for development in your practice and benefit your students’ learning. Face-to-face delivery will be across five workshops with further complementary resources and activities available online. Distance learners will have further resources and activities online which will be complimented with five webinars. Workshops and webinars may include; mentoring and motivational interviewing, coaching, teaching in the clinical environment, high stakes assessment, OSCE design and development, faculty development in the health professions, leadership in healthcare education, technology enhanced learning, teaching and assessing professionalism and education support and resilience. The assessment takes a patchwork approach, with each workshop having its own assessment and then a final integrative reflection at the end of the module. -
Global Leadership
This model consists of four elements: effective decision-making, adoption of a global approach, creation of a new business paradigm and a contemporary mission. It also considers the related concept of mis-leadership, which looks at how leaders have often failed to achieve the optimum outcomes for those they lead. Leaders predominantly create context and this module will explore the skills required to successfully mould and develop the context in a chaotic environment. This module is delivered via distance learning and is therefore not available for tier 4 visa holders. -
Advancing Professional Decision Making
Advance your decision making skills through critical reflection, with the help of a ‚critical friend’. This is a specialist designated module for the Management and Leadership in Health and Social Care course. Current health and social care policy and the modernisation of the NHS, and other international models demands new ways of working across traditional boundaries, and the implementation of national targets at local level. This requires the development of roles for confident autonomous practitioners, who possess the knowledge and skills to implement complex decisions in a rapidly changing environment and to play key roles in service development. You’ll need to be able to utilise practical decision making skills within an area of professional knowledge and to develop strategies to facilitate the implementation of the outcomes of the decision making process into practice, either as an individual or within a team/organisation. Management of change and service development are seen as core elements of the module, together with the enhancement of professional judgment and leadership.
Year two, core modules
Postgraduate research design
Designed to give you the tools you need in order to identify and plan research to address a real world problem within your practice, or address a gap in the existing knowledge within your field. You’ll be joined by students from across School of Allied Health which is reflected in the diverse content including; evaluating literature, designing research questions, systematic review procedures, qualitative and quantitative research methods and data analysis, issues of rigour and ethical considerations in research. It’ll provide you with a framework which will allow you to propose and justify a research question and design relevant to your professional practice. If you choose, you can then conduct this research as part of the level 7 Postgraduate Research Project module. The summative assessment for the module is in two parts; a 15-minute presentation followed by a 15-minute oral defence of the research proposal; secondly, completion of the faculty’s stage 1 ethics form. -
Postgraduate research project
As a central component of the Masters award, the major project provides you with the opportunity to address a suitable research problem or gap in your knowledge within your practice. Through synthesis of your learning from previous modules, you’ll be able to plan a research project, including the selection of appropriate methods of data collection and analysis, execute the design, and communicate your findings in a suitable manner. The aims of the postgraduate research project module are to provide you with an opportunity to address a significant and meaningful question in relation to your specialism and allow you to demonstrate a depth of knowledge in your chosen specialist field. This module is assessed by An 800 word poster presentation, outlining the initial findings and conclusions. The discussion around this will inform the second part of the summative assessment. In addition, an academic paper for a suitable journal summarising the research, with a brief accompanying rationale for the journal chosen.
Your assessment will be constructively aligned with your teaching practice. You’ll be both formatively and summatively assessed in each module through; lesson plans, teaching observations, reflective essays and poster presentations, as well as, academic papers, oral presentations, blogs and vlogs.