Politics and history are closely interconnected. For if politics is about power, then history records the struggle for power over time; and if politics is about our public values, then history records how these values have been forged.
You will study Politics and History under academic staff who are experts in their field, on a small and friendly course.
This course allows you to engage with history topics ranging from the 16th Century to the present day, giving you the foundations to understand and contextualise the political concepts that you will study on the course.
You will also learn the democratic principles of liberalism, of the socialist challenge to liberal ideas, and some of the darker political events of the recent past including the Soviet gulags and the Nazi genocide; as well as engaging with current events in British and American politics and the global war on terror.
Why us?
- ‘World-leading’ research in History according to the latest Research Excellence Framework
- Principal Lecturer Dr Simon Henig is currently Leader of Durham County Council
- A unique approach to generic and employability skills and a stand-out student experience
- Lecturers have extensive practical experience and engagement in politics
Course structure
A typical week will include lectures, seminars, workshops, group work, independent study and computer based research. Politics and History staff have developed a distinctive approach to the delivery of modules, one that is based around dialogue, active citizenship and a research active curriculum. It enables you to develop advocacy skills and increase your awareness of interpreting and understanding political and historical issues. We develop your capacity to sustain a reasoned line of argument in the face of others; to listen, to respect the views of others and to amend views in the light of argument and evidence.
Assessment methods include web-based exercises, archive exercise, time-limited essay tests, document exercises, book reviews, traditional essays, extended individual projects, individual and group presentations, poster presentations and formal (unseen paper) examinations.
The study of Politics and History here at Sunderland involves participation in public matters. This is formalised in an assessed project where you will take up a matter of public concern in which you have a personal interest. Projects range from national matters, such as the policy on drugs, to local ones, such as the threat to a local health facility. The third year module, Contemporary Issues in Historical Perspective allows for specialist presentation of staff research areas.
On successful completion of the course you will have the knowledge and skills necessary to enter a wide range of professions including local government, teaching, public relations and positions in the heritage industry.
Graduates often go on to become politically active in non-governmental organisations (NGOs), as political researchers and councillors. Many of our graduates also choose to continue their studies at masters and PhD level.
Career options
You will be well suited to careers that involve developing policy and weighing up policy options: undertaking research, developing and presenting position papers, and writing analytical reports. These skills are sought after in many professions including those found in local government, NGOs and charities, think tanks, research work for political parties, liaison work between corporations and with public bodies, careers in media and in public relations. Students who wish to go on to undertake a teaching qualification have the knowledge basis for combining the teaching of history and citizenship.
History Lab
History Lab is a student-run society which organises history-related guest lectures, discussions, and social events.
It’s a chance to hear about little-known histories. Recent topics include; Political Caricatures in 19th Century France, Pharmacy in Ancient Egypt, and Sedition in 17th Century America.
Research-active staff
You’ll be taught by a dynamic, diverse team of research-active staff whose research interests include the history of early modern political thought, resisting tyranny, local history, political ideology, political constituencies, the history of trade unionism, affirmative action, gun control and suicide.