Illustration is everywhere: in newspaper and magazine articles, advertisements and books, on products and on screen. It tells stories and reinforces messages. It makes complex ideas easy to understand and is a major part of our childhood. It makes us laugh, it makes us cry, and it makes us think.
During your studies you’ll push boundaries, challenge convention, and harness new technology to solve illustration briefs, projects and design problems. The core principles of drawing are applied throughout. You’ll develop key skills in creative thinking, translating a brief, drawing and mark making, and colour theory.
To prepare for today’s increasingly fluid platforms of print, mobile and interactive image, you’ll communicate ideas in innovative ways using traditional and digital technologies.
Throughout your time on the Illustration course in Cardiff, you’ll have numerous opportunities to engage with creative professionals and clients. This may be in the form of an industry visit, guest speaker, or live brief.
USW Illustration students have previously collaborated with The Royal Horticultural Society, Anorak Magazine, Women’s Equality Network Wales, The Roald Dahl Estate, Welsh National Opera and Kiehl’s.
What you will study
During your studies you’ll push boundaries, challenge convention, and harness new technology to solve illustration briefs, projects and design problems.
The core principles of drawing are applied throughout. You’ll develop key skills in creative thinking, translating a brief, drawing and mark making, and colour theory. To prepare for today’s increasingly fluid platforms of print, mobile and interactive image, you’ll communicate ideas in innovative ways using traditional and digital technologies.
In the final year, you’ll prepare for employment by producing a professional portfolio, and completing a critical research project, as well as a final major project to industry standard. You will also have the opportunity to enter illustration competitions where our current students have previously enjoyed success in The Batsford Prize, Welsh National Opera design challenge and YCN.
Year One: Illustration degree
- Visual Skills
- Illustration Fundamentals
- Colour and Communication for Illustration
- Communication Studies
Year Two: Illustration degree
- Employment Experience Diploma
- Communication Studies
- Illustration for Literature
- Illustration for Location
- Illustration for Information
- Illustration for Product
- Visual Skills
- Creative Industries Collaborative Practice
- Creative Work Experience
Year Three: Illustration degree
- Client Studies
- Critical Research Project
- Competition Brief
- Final Major Project
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