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Develop your scientific skills and explore new specialisms. If you’re a working biomedical scientist take a step towards being a Chartered Scientist status by studying on our Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) accredited distance-learning course.
Accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) and guided by an employers’ panel (including the NHS), this course is a great asset to your professional development.
You’ll have the opportunity to tailor your studies by choosing a specialist pathology area. Through this you can either enhance your knowledge and understanding of your current field, or open up a career path into a new area such as management.
Our tutors will teach you through our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), where you can download study materials, organise your studies and access online classrooms and study groups.
Our course will enhance your career prospects and provide a major step towards Chartered Scientist status. You can personalise your studies to reflect your career goals as a biomedical scientist. You’re also in the perfect position to continue your academic career and move up to our Biomedical Science PhD.
Our module is designed to enable you to understand fully the principles of pathology and to illustrate the required knowledge base and principles via case studies. These can be based on your specialist area or, by negotiation, in a different area. Examples of case studies are taken from all of the major organ systems. A full understanding of disciplinary methodologies both theoretical and research based will be developed. You’ll make a study of immunopathology and transplantation to illustrate the interaction of pathology and immunology. You’ll prepare a Portfolio of Evidence, indicative of your ability to reach Mastery, by carrying out a number of suggested but negotiable activities which are built around the Learning Outcomes as set out in the module guide. Self evaluation is an important part of the whole learning process, so you must back up your evidence by providing a critical reflective commentary that justifies the way in which you have approached, analysed, evaluated and reflected on the learning process. Negotiation and feedback on drafts is available via VLE, the distance-learning package on which the course is based. A number of activities are carried out in the workplace and aimed at evidence gathering coupled with improving employability skills appropriate to your work environment and thus of benefit to your employer. For suitably qualified students the module can also be taken on its own for CPD or other professional purposes.
Moving towards Mastery
This module enables the learning which you must undertake in order to provide a foundation for your post-graduate study; using subject related examples as tools for your learning. You’ll learn to develop the style and techniques which are essential to your success in the MSc and to practice the assessment methods which are used throughout the course. You’ll learn to appreciate the concept of Mastery and demonstrate the depth and systematic understanding of knowledge in applied areas and across areas and the ability to work with theoretical and research-based knowledge at the forefront of your academic discipline. You’ll prepare a Portfolio of Evidence, indicative of your ability to reach Mastery, by carrying out a number of suggested but negotiable activities which are built around the Learning Outcomes of the module. Self-evaluation is an important part of the whole learning process, so you must back up your evidence by providing a critical reflective commentary that justifies the way in which you have approached, analysed, evaluated and reflected on the learning process. Your Portfolio of Evidence must clearly demonstrate autonomy, ability to utilise and manage the full range of learning resources, problem solving both individually and as part of a group and self evaluation. A number of activities are carried out in the workplace and are aimed at evidence gathering coupled with improving employability skills appropriate to your work environment. For suitably qualified students the module can also be taken on its own for CPD or other professional purposes. -
An Introduction to Management in Biomedical Science
This module is designed to help you develop a range of management skills that can be applied to your own work in any of the pathology specialisms. It is based on a scenario in which an accreditation visit to a laboratory has been failed. You will produce a business plan to correct the deficiencies identified and, in so doing, provide the evidence that you have achieved the learning outcomes. In the module guide, activities are suggested that will help you to achieve the outcomes. These are not compulsory and can be modified, subject to negotiation and feedback, to suit your individual needs. An important resource will be your own working environment and you are encouraged to make full use of all facilities and staff, not only within your own laboratory but also within other areas such as human resources and finance. -
Research Methods in Biomedical Science
Here, you’ll gain skills to confidently carry out biomedical research by investigating the selection, application, analysis and evaluation of a range of research methods. You’ll consider ethical aspects and discover development and implementation of your future research project in biomedical science. You’ll prepare a portfolio of evidence and focus on self evaluation via critical reflection. You’ll also use work based activities in your exploration of applied research to benefit both you and your employer. For suitably qualified students our module can also be taken on its own for CPD or other professional purposes.
We’ll assess your progress using the portfolios you’ll create for each taught module, as well as your final year dissertation.