The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest employers of scientists in the UK. This pharmaceutical science degree will prepare you for a career in this industry.
There’s a whole range of careers for pharmaceutical scientists, from discovering the next potent anti-viral compound to worldwide marketing, or from quality control to the legal world of regulatory affairs. It’s a global industry that’s ever-changing to meet new challenges in healthcare and medicine, as well as developments in research and production.
The content of our pharmaceutical science course has a strong grounding in the chemical and biological sciences, complemented by industry-specific topics such as pharmaceutical regulation and quality assurance.
You’ll develop an in-depth knowledge of topics relevant to the field of pharmaceuticals, their design, development, quality control, and manufacture. To enhance your career potential, there is an emphasis on practical experience of techniques used in the pharmaceutical industry.
What you will study
You’ll develop an in-depth knowledge of topics relevant to the field of pharmaceuticals, their design, development, quality control, and manufacture. In the first year, you will study a variety of modules which will provide you with a strong grounding in chemistry that will prove invaluable during the rest of your degree and working life. To begin to understand the biological action of drugs and their impact, you will also be introduced to fundamental human biology and biochemistry. All of these modules involve practical work and you will gain hands-on experience using equipment in our state-of-the-art laboratories. You would also be taught mathematics to enable you to understand the relevance of mathematics and statistics in the field of chemical and pharmaceutical science.
The second year of the Pharmaceutical Science course focuses on chemical synthesis, drug design, drug action and chemical analysis. In your third year you will continue to develop your knowledge and skills in chemical synthesis and analysis, quality control and quality assurance regulatory affairs, advanced drug design and use of molecular modelling. You would also work on a research project (in-house or industry based) that would involve working with complex and specialised instruments.
Foundation Year: Pharmaceutical Science Degree
- Foundation Biology
- Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Key Skills and Professional Development
- Foundation Chemistry
- Physical Science
- Scientific Data Literacy
Year One: Pharmaceutical Science Degree
- Microorganisms and the Dynamic Cell
- Biological Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Fundamental Inorganic Chemistry
- Your Skills, Your Future
Year Two: Pharmaceutical Science Degree
- Metabolism and Biochemistry
- Spectroscopy
- Analytical Chemistry
- Synthetic Organic Chemistry
- Heterocyclic Chemistry and an Introduction to Drug Design
- Bioinorganic Chemistry
Year Three: Pharmaceutical Science Degree
- Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacology
- Advanced Analytical Chemistry
- Professional Practice, Employability and Project for Pharmaceutical Science
- Advanced Organic Chemistry
- Quality Control and Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Advanced Drug Design and an Introduction to Formulation Science
The Pharmaceutical Science degree is taught through a varied combination of techniques including lectures, practicals, workshops, tutorials and e-learning. Employers regularly comment on our graduates’ excellent analytical skills, enhanced by hands-on experience of industry-standard instrumentation.
Our students benefit from regular input from professionals who are working in the industry. This Pharmaceutical Science degree continues to evolve in partnership with industry to ensure graduates are highly valued by employers. You’ll develop an in-depth knowledge of topics relevant to the field of pharmaceuticals, their design, development, quality control, and manufacture.
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