MA/MSc Design Innovation


With a flexible curriculum to accommodate your creative ambitions, this course will prepare you to take a critical position and forge a successful career in the globalised creative world. The key business skills that you will gain – project management, marketing, website design, branding and business planning – make this course the ideal platform for creative entrepreneurs to launch their own design businesses and consultancies, or for those who hope to take up senior roles in design strategy or brand management. The course is designed for students with a good working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite applications, such as Photoshop, Acrobat and InDesign, and will develop these technical skills to an advanced level.

You will select a specialist area of study from diverse options, ranging from retail, museum and exhibition, and product design, to interior, footwear, visual communication, and design innovation. Learn to devise creative solutions to complex issues surrounding sustainability and explore the role of design and innovation as a driver for change.

The opportunity to work on live projects will enhance your professional portfolio, and you will complete an individual major project (either creative practice based or research focused) which runs throughout the course, drawing on the professional expertise and specialist knowledge of our academics.

Throughout the course we will empower you to experiment boldly and support you to take risks. You will be encouraged challenge conventions and develop innovative approaches to tackling contemporary design challenges, with the cutting-edge facilities for you to refine your talents and realise your creative visions.

Key features

  • Specialise in varied design areas, from retail, museum and exhibition, and product design, to interior, footwear, visual communication, and design innovation.
  • With a year-long creative major project, you can tailor your course to develop your personal interests and support your career aspirations, or establish the design concept for your own business.
  • Gain expert knowledge from visiting guest lecturers and have the opportunity to work on real-world live projects set by professionals from industry, museum, charity and arts organisations.
  • Join a community that is working together to co-design new ways of thinking to redefine the future of creative practice.
  • With an optional year-long work placement you can gain valuable experience to further enhance your practical and professional skills.
  • Our award-winning Vijay Patel building has been designed to provide the space and facilities where all of our art and design students can develop their ideas and flourish.
  • The School of Design’s close-knit community of postgraduate students and staff creates a supportive learning environment for design students from around the world.

Structure and assessment


Term one core modules

Research Methods (Compulsory)
Teaches you a range of conceptual and practical research skills, such as questionnaire design and interview techniques. As part of this module, you will formulate your major project proposal, specifying your aims, objectives, research methods and expected outcomes. You will also learn how to undertake the literature review for your major project.

Creative Design Studio
Introduces you to the overarching design process. You will study design method theories, advances in technology, concept development, prototyping techniques, design testing and user-centred (or inclusive) design. The module will see you developing project management skills and investigating ethical and environmental design issues. As part of a multidisciplinary team, you will also work on live design projects.

Term one optional modules

Marketing for the Creative Entrepreneur
Examines the key marketing and corporate strategy issues that affect a designer. You will develop your own marketing strategy and carry out an analysis of the competitive environment.

Creative Digital Media
Looks at the need for critical appraisal of current digital media technologies. You will investigate related creative and management processes and production techniques in a professional context. Alongside live design projects, you will examine advances in technology, project management, digital design method theories, concept development, prototyping and production techniques as well as design and application testing.

Design as a Strategic Business Tool
Looks at how design itself can be the driving force behind the strategic management and development of digital design and creative businesses. You will audit the use of design, design management and design thinking in the creative industries and business.

Design, Innovation and Sustainability
This module takes an integrated approach to the complex issues surrounding sustainability and the role of design and innovation as a driver for change


Term two core modules

Action Research Laboratory – enables you to develop your major project design work while exploring creative and innovative design and research methods. You will produce a specification report (based on primary research) and a portfolio of investigative design development work that shows an individual creative response.

Term two optional modules

Global Markets: Designing businesses for international growth
Examines the key issues involved in developing new international markets and the role of the design manager and entrepreneur in enabling design and creative businesses to compete effectively in the global economy.

Museum and Exhibition Design
Examines innovative designs and strategies specifically for museums and exhibitions. It focuses on display, interpretation, conservation, marketing, management and funding, cultural identity, heritage, inclusive design, sustainability, education and audience.

Design for Retail
Covers all aspects of in-store retail design, including product, environment, technology, communication and service. You will also examine brand perception, buyer behaviour and engagement with the retail experience.

Business Planning for the Creative Entrepreneur
Develops your business knowledge and planning skills enabling you to identify the potential for a new product or service. You will study the key issues in starting a business and covers topics such as business plans, leadership, investment and risk management.

Managing Business Web Presence
Teaches you how to critically appraise website designs, social media activity and wider networking channels while learning about creative production and management processes. You will learn how best to evaluate the role of website design in business, marketing and the creative industries, while examining advances in web architecture, technology, interface and management.

Technology for Design
Provides a platform for designers from various fields to explore a range technology and potentially help to advance their knowledge and practice in this area. This module recognises that digital technology and the development of new equipment, materials, artefacts and devices are all growing exponentially.

Service Design
Examines the role of design in the service industries. You will pay particular attention to ethical, political, social and ecological concerns, all of which require approaches that focus on design and the designers’ role in maintaining sustainability.

Term three

Major Project: Design Concept (Optional)
This module enables you to develop your major project to a further stage of design concept, supported by a report/dissertation of 15,000 words. This report is based on the literature research, primary market research, design development, marketing strategy and theory concepts developed through previous modules.

Major Project: Dissertation (Optional)
The module allows you to develop a more detailed dissertation of 20-23,000 words for research focused major projects.

Note: All modules are subject to change in order to keep content current.

Facilities and features


Supported by specialist technicians, the excellent CAD and workshop facilities include: soft modelling, wood, plastics, metal fabrication, metal machining and finishing. The workshops are also home to four computer numerically controlled (CNC) milling machines, a CNC lathe, two laser cutters, a vinyl cutter and three rapid prototyping machines as well as a 3D paper printer and a CNC water jet cutter.

There are also Wacom drawing tablets, which allow you to sketch directly into the screens, linked to high specification Intel Core2 Duo computer workstations. These facilities make it possible for you to access the best industry-standard, vector-based and 3D modelling packages available. This equipment allows you to experiment with techniques and finishes to a high level, adding unique skillset to your portfolio.


The main Kimberlin Library is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (other than in exceptional circumstances) and offers a huge range of online resources, all of which can be remotely accessed from anywhere you choose.

The library is run by dedicated staff who offer additional support to students, including help with academic writing, research strategies, literature searching and reference management and assistive technology, and mathematical skills for non-maths students. There is also a Just Ask service for help and advice, available via email or telephone.

Learning zones

Our Learning Zones and the The Greenhouse also provide space for group or individual work and study.

There are 1,600 study places across all library locations, more than 700 computer stations, laptops to borrow, free wi-fi and desktop power outlets.

You can also book rooms with plasma screens, laptops and DVD facilities for group work and presentations, secure an individual study room with adjustable lighting or make use of our assistive technology.

Opportunities and careers


Starting a business
If you are thinking of starting your own business or working for yourself, the Enterprise Team can help provide you with the right advice and guidance to get your business off the ground.


This is our innovative international experience programme which aims to enrich your studies and expand your cultural horizons – helping you to become a global graduate, equipped to meet the needs of employers across the world.

Through #DMUglobal, we offer a wide range of opportunities including on-campus and UK activities, overseas study, internships, faculty-led field trips and volunteering, as well as Erasmus+ and international exchanges.

Graduate careers

Graduates have launched their own design businesses and consultancies, moved into dynamic careers such as a creative designer or taken on senior roles in design strategy or brand management. Some graduates have chosen to do a PhD, developing their research to a deeper level.
Businesses started by DMU graduates include: the Pooja Kapoor fashion brand; Whiteroom Media; Luidpro Design; and Cerebral Innovation. Recent graduates have become:

  • Chief Designer for Fasoli srl, which designs and produces fashion footwear for brands such as Michael Klein Paris, asics, Naughty Monkey and Airfit
  • Senior Industrial Designer for Wistron Corporation, producing notebook PCs and other electronic equipment
  • Lingerie Garment Technologist for MAS Intimates, co-ordinating production for lingerie of Marks & Spencer, Victoria’s Secret, La Senza and other brands
  • Designer for Max C LondonDesigner and Production Supervisor at Fleur La Fleur fashion design
  • Head of User Experience (web design) for Freestyle Interactive Ltd
  • Creative Services Manager (Australasia) for Revlon
  • Project Manager at Ideal Design (interior design, Taiwan)

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100% maturzystów, którym pomagamy rozpoczyna studia w UK.
Dasz radę z naszą pomocą! Zostań studentem w Wielkiej Brytanii. Naprawdę warto!

Polecam ekipę z Studia w Anglii! Właśnie wróciłam z wycieczki z Anglii gdzie oprócz zwiedzania atrakcji Londynu, zwiedzaliśmy różne uczelnie takie jak Coventry University i Bucks New University. Wycieczka była wspaniała, uczelnie piękne. Jest całkowicie inaczej jak się je widzi na żywo i rozmawia się pracownikami uczelni niż tylko czytanie o nich na internecie. Dziękuje Daria, Ania i Martina za udzielenie odpowiedzi na wszystkie moje pytania!

Wiktoria | Szczecin


Serdecznie polecam każdemu kto myśli o studiach w Anglii. Dla tych zdecydowanych i tych wahających się w podjęciu decyzji. Pytajcie a wasze wątpliwości zostaną rozwiane. Cały zespół ciężko pracuje aby każdemu z nas ułatwić pierwszy krok w drodzę ku wybranej karierze. Chciałabym bardzo podziękować Martynie i Darii za oddanie sprawie. Dziewczyny uwielbiam was, jesteście super!

Justyna | Łódź


Dzięki tej agencji dostałem się na wymarzone studia na kierunku Aerospace Systems Engineering. Agencja zrobi wszystko żeby pomóc swoim podopiecznym (nawet jak wpadną w tarapaty tak jak ja :D). Wszyscy są bardzo mili, uprzejmi, wyluzowani, ale i jednocześnie profesjonalni :) Pozostaje mi tylko polecić tą agencje z całego serduszka!

Mikołaj | Coventry University


Świetna ekipa, wszyscy niezwykle pomocni, widać, że naprawdę chcą pomóc, rozjaśnić całą sytuację. Odpowiadają na wszelkie, nawet najgłupsze pytania 😂, organizują spotkania, wycieczki, webinary. Wszystko, by każdy zainteresowany otrzymał całą niezbędną wiedzę. Polecam! ❤️

Zuzia | Szczecin


Jestem super wdzięczna za przejście cały etap rekrutacji na ostatnią chwilę bez stresu 😅 dzięki Wam udało się zrobić wszystko na czas i mogę być spokojna. Kontakt świetny, pomoc nieoceniona. Odpowiedzą na każde pytanie i pomogą we wszystkim co potrzebne! Polecam :)

Magda | Szczecin


Zdecydowanie polecam! Team pomógł mi na każdym etapie, moja aplikacja została rzetelnie sprawdzona, uzyskałam informacje na temat uczelni i kursów! Proces był dla mnie o wiele mniej stresujący, wiedząc, ze ktoś moze mi doradzić i wytłumaczyć wszystko. Dziekuje!

Kasia | Birkbeck, University of London


Zdecydowanie polecam! Bez pomocy zespołu byłabym dużo bardziej zestresowana i nie wiedziałabym gdzie szukać informacji podczas aplikowania na studia w Anglii. Moje referencje i personal statement zostały rzetelnie sprawdzone, udzielono mi niezbędnych rad i bez problemu dostałam się na wymarzone studia.

Jagoda | London Metropolitan University


Dzięki Studia w Anglii proces rekrutacji nie wydawał się wcale taki straszny :) Otrzymałam ekspresowa pomoc o każdej porze i mogłam się zwrócić z każdym drobnym problemem. Duży plus!

Wiktoria | Jagiełła


Bardzo polecam! Pomoc od A do Z, wyczerpujące tłumaczenia, konsultanci dostępni 24/7. Zdecydowanie pomagają spełniać marzenia i dodatkowo robią to za darmo!

Rafał | Warszawa


Zdecydowanie polecam! Świetni, bardzo pomocni i otwarci ludzie, którzy dokładają wszelkich starań, aby pomóc wszystkim w procesie aplikacji na studia.

Basia | London Metropolitan University


Polecam z całego serca ten fantastyczny team! Dzięki nim osiągnęłam to, o czym jeszcze rok temu nawet nie śniłam i w październiku zaczynam studia na kierunku Global Business Management w Londynie

Weronika | Coventry University


Jestem baaaardzo wdzięczna teamowi Studia w Anglii! Dzięki nim doświadczyłam cudownych rzeczy, poznałam ludzi z całego świata, dostałam możliwość studiowania na uniwersytecie i uzyskania prestiżowego certyfikatu na koniec. Czego chcieć więcej? :)

Dominika | University of Bedfordshire


Konsultanci są bardzo pomocni i rzetelni, zawsze szybko odpowiadają na jakiekolwiek pytania. Sprawnie prowadzą podopiecznych przez proces rekrutacji i nie zostawiają w potrzebie.

Julia | Nottingham Trent University


Pełen profesjonalizm od samego początku, zespół pomaga z najdrobniejszymi sprawami. Dzięki nim ofertę złożyła mi uczelnia mojego pierwszego wyboru! Ci ludzie naprawdę wykonują świetną robotę!

Hubert | Middlesex University


Bardzo polecam ! Pomocni i zaangażowani. Odpowiadali cierpliwie na każde pytanie, udzielali cennych rad i wskazówek. Pomagali w uzupełnieniu aplikacji, sprawdzeniu PS i referencji.

Ola | Dzierżoniów


Polecam serdcznie! Cierpliwosc osób tu pracujacych nie ma granic, ogromna pomoc od samego poczatku do końca aplikacji 24/7! :)

Kasia | Bydgoszcz


Nawet jeśli jedyne co łączy Cię na razie ze studiowaniem w Anglii to po prostu chęci, dzięki temu Teamowi w bardzo szybkim tempie zmienią się one w gotową aplikację i otworzą drzwi do Twoich studiów marzeń! Bardzo szybka pomoc, serdeczni doradcy.

Karolina | Bełchatów

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