The MA Working for Children and Young People (Youth Work Initial Qualifying) incorporating the Postgraduate Diploma Youth and community work (Initial Qualifying) course is professionally endorsed by Education Training Skills Wales (ETS), and will enable you to qualify as a professional Youth and Community worker in one academic year. The course has been designed to reflect the changing statutory and voluntary social and education sector that embraces professionals working in Youth Work, community development, health, education, social care and youth justice.
The course focusses on inter-professional practice, and how the needs of children, young people, families and communities can best be met in a rapidly changing policy, strategic and operational context. Students will also develop leadership skills, together with a greater understanding of the policy and practice context of this specific area of professional work, through both academic learning and practical placements.
What you will study
Through practice placements and academic learning you will explore the ethical dimensions required to work effectively in youth work settings and other inter-professional teams. You will also learning about youth work values and principles, safeguarding and child protection, leadership in inter disciplinary contexts, conflict resolution and restorative approaches and research methods and project management skills.
You will study the following core modules:
- Principles, policy and professional values of Youth Work
- Ethics, Reflection and Safeguarding
- Professional Practice
- Research Methods and project management skills
- Restorative Approaches
- Dissertation (18,000 words)
You will also undertake two professional placements, totalling 300 hours. If you are undertaking the Youth Work Initial Qualifying (IQ) route these will be supervised by a JNC qualified supervisor and you will undertake placements with young people aged 11-25 years old. If you are not undertaking the IQ route placements will be supervised by a professional supervisor (who may not be JNC qualified) and your placement will occur within a wider range of service areas working with children, young people, families and communities.
You will be taught by a team of lecturers who have long-standing expertise and actively practice in the fields of Youth work, community development and related work with children and young people.
The course includes lectures, seminars and tutorials as well as directed and independent study. Your dissertation research will be supervised by a member of the teaching team.
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