MSc Strategic and Digital Marketing

The MSc Strategic and Digital Marketing course is a one year (full-time) or two-year (part-time) taught postgraduate course that is triple accredited with the following professional marketing, digital, and public relations regulatory bodies:

  • Institute of Data and Marketing and its sister organisations the Data & Marketing Association (IDM/DMA)
  • Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
  • Public Relations & Communications Association (PRCA)

It is recognised both in the UK and worldwide as a quality course.

The MSc Strategic and Digital Marketing course is aimed at undergraduate students fresh from their undergraduate studies, or those with a few years experience, as well as ‘seasoned’ practitioners wishing to consolidate and/or establish new learning and skills. The course content, which is taught in the heart of Cardiff and online, aims to nurture the next generation of marketing practitioners, strategists and leaders, who are commercially responsive to audience research insights, to develop meaningful value propositions and implement innovative and sustainable multi-channel offerings through agile and creative business models. Students are provided with a uniquely creative platform to conceptualise, the process of going to market through contemporary marketing strategies, planning, practice and research insights, and implement value propositions to complex real-world challenges.

The guiding philosophy of MSc Strategic Digital Marketing is to actively seek new ways of ‘doing business’ through agile business modelling and is underpinned by thematic areas of study aligned to global socio-economic challenges, including effectual altruism, consumption and sustainable economies; communities of practice and interest, tribal participation; and business model technology-enabled futures and omnichannel implementation.

At USW, we acknowledge that the only constant is change, and none more so than the current environment. This new and exciting course reflects the challenges new managers and existing leaders in marketing face, exploring the role of marketing in delivering value for individuals, businesses, and society.

The course is delivered by award-winning international teaching, learning, and research experts in the areas of marketing, digital, and public relations. Teaching within the course has a clear purpose, which is to build students’ professional autonomy as individuals who are responsive to emerging concerns, and disruptive in co-creative and future-oriented organisations.

Additionally, students on the MSc Strategic and Digital Marketing course are:

  • Automatically given membership to Institute of Data and Marketing (IMD) and can gain a GDPR award.
  • Given access to a host of resources, networking events and skill development experiences provided by both the IDM and DMA.
  • Given access to the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), who have a prolific network of professional marketers’ hub in the UK and around the world.
  • Entitled to, dependent on your previous qualifications, be exempt from some of course content* of the MSc Strategic and Digital Marketing, in addition to having access to free online learning and networking events and opportunities provided by the PRCA.

What you will study

The MSc Strategic Digital Marketing course is founded on developing a critical understanding of key theoretical constructs and is guided by a common vision shared by the teaching team, which is to ensure that students develop the professional capabilities needed to successfully work in the Strategic Digital Marketing sector.

The course content is informed by industry reports such as the CIM Competency Framework and the IDM/DMA Skills Census, and teaching activities will focus on the practical application of theory and the development of professional skills.  The use of case studies, expert guest and industry speaker’s masterclasses, and networking events and simulations exemplify this approach as does the inclusion of the Personal and Professional Skills Development module. This module runs throughout the course and allows students to gain certifications, knowledge and learning experiences that are relevant to the main course module deliveries. You will undertake a personal and professional learning/training needs analysis to understand your hard and soft skill gaps, and tailor your development based on these gaps. The module focuses on the development of professional and employability skills, and where possible, students who complete the professional skills workshops will receive an industry certificate or qualification. For example, students completing the Google Analytics workshop will be encouraged to sit the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) exam.



1 Year

Term 1 – September to November

Personal and Professional Skills Development

This unique module complements our core module delivery – you will not only be learning the theoretical underpinning of each of the subject areas, but you will also study and attain learning that is specific to you. The module aims to develop and enhance the employability of students by providing them with the opportunity to develop the personal and professional skills valued by the strategic and digital marketing industry employers. Students will identify learning opportunities for personal and professional development which will be signposted to relevant online or learning /networking opportunities by the course leader and module tutors coinciding with module delivery and USW provision – to ensure Personal and Professional Development can take place. In addition, you will be applying this learning to real world and live client projects (or your own projects) throughout the course, which means that by the time you complete your study you will have valuable evidence of your learning and its application.

Strategic and Digital Marketing Research Insights

In this module students will gain knowledge and skills in the development of both applied marketing and digital audience focussed research as well as the academic and theoretical underpinning research philosophies and methodologies. It aims to enable the learner to conduct and apply robust academic and business practitioner research develop market sensing and learning abilities. To do so, the module aims to develop the learner’s critical understanding and skills of research theory and practice in a strategic and digital marketing context. Develop the learner’s understanding defining value for the audience and organisation through MIS, MR, Market Intelligence, and cross-disciplinary methods. Critically review a range of research methodologies and select as appropriate those that are relevant to the aims and objectives of the research. Provide the learner with a skill set to manage the practical aspects of planning, conducting, and producing a research project and meet professional body requirements for research skills, knowledge, and practitioner accreditation.

Contemporary Marketing and Digital Strategies

Explore the models and frameworks of contemporary strategic and digital marketing strategy, their relationships and antecedents and their potential for contextual application.


Term 1 – 2: December to January

Personal and Professional Skills Development

As above.

Integrated Marketing Communications

This module aims to equip students with the knowledge and tools required to design and plan the implementation of campaigns in an agile manner. Through this module, students will be able to define the key considerations, forces, frameworks, and steps of a campaign plan and design an adaptable campaign which aligns with brand and customer requirements demonstrated through practical digital practice.


Term 2: January to April

Personal and Professional Skills Development

As above.

Strategic Brand Management in the Age of Uncertainty

This module seeks to acknowledge that we are living in an era where rapid change has become the norm. This module critically explores how brands are proactively and pragmatically responding to the challenges created by a global environment that is constantly in flux. Therefore, this module aims to introduce students to key theories of branding and brand reputation management and to develop a critical awareness of the external challenges of managing brands in the global environment.

Strategic and Digital Marketing Consultancy Project

This module aims to critically explore and examine strategic and digital marketing project management, and consultancy skills in a strategic and digital marketing context. Enabling students to understand and explore relevant and key project management principles. Students will be able to use consultancy skills to reflect, monitor, and evidence the ‘management of self’ in a strategic and digital marketing context.


Term 3: May to September

Strategic and Digital Marketing Dissertation OR Strategic & Digital Marketing Major Project

Students choose either the dissertation or major project option after discussion and consultation with the course leader. Both aim to allow students to develop a deeper understanding of their area of specialisation or practice, provide students with an opportunity to undertake either an extended piece of independent focused research or a major project of a substantial nature, to further develop students’ abilities to produce an extended piece of formal written work and to professionalise career skills.


PART-TIME Course (2 Years) – recommended delivery

Year 1

Term 1: September to mid-November

Personal and Professional Skills Development.

Strategic and Digital Marketing Research Insights

Term 1-2: December to January

Personal and Professional Skills Development.

Integrated Marketing Communications

Term 2: January to April

Personal and Professional Skills Development

Strategic Brand Management in the Age of Uncertainty


Year 2

Term 1: September to mid-November

Personal and Professional Skills Development

Contemporary Marketing and Digital Strategies

Term 1-2: December to January

Personal and Professional Skills Development

Term 2: January to April

Personal and Professional Skills Development

Strategic and Digital Marketing Consultancy Project

Term 3: May to September

Strategic and Digital Marketing Dissertation OR Strategic and Digital Marketing Major Project


The course is delivered as a blended approach i.e. learning will take place weekly both online and on-campus.

Contact hours will be between 10-12/week over two days/evenings

Additional individual study hours will vary between modules, but an average would be 20-30 hours

Guest lectures will be provided and based on availability and by module.

Student activities will be based on lecture/tutorial/seminar (live and/or pre-records) and workshop activities engagement.

Often employer engagement and opportunities are mediated through careers, campus events or module assessment methods as these are often based on live client briefs.


There are no exams.

All assessments are coursework – with presentations, reports, essays and project work (group and individual) being used as well as opportunities for individual personalised learning and assessment via the Personal and Professional Development module.

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100% maturzystów, którym pomagamy rozpoczyna studia w UK lub na pierwszej uczelni brytyjskiej w Polsce.
Studiujesz po angielsku i dostajesz brytyjski dyplom!
Dasz radę! Naprawdę warto!

Polecam ekipę z Studia w Anglii! Właśnie wróciłam z wycieczki z Anglii gdzie oprócz zwiedzania atrakcji Londynu, zwiedzaliśmy różne uczelnie takie jak Coventry University i Bucks New University. Wycieczka była wspaniała, uczelnie piękne. Jest całkowicie inaczej jak się je widzi na żywo i rozmawia się pracownikami uczelni niż tylko czytanie o nich na internecie. Dziękuje za odpowiedzi na wszystkie moje pytania!

Wiktoria | Szczecin


Serdecznie polecam każdemu kto myśli o studiach w Anglii. Dla tych zdecydowanych i tych wahających się w podjęciu decyzji. Pytajcie a wasze wątpliwości zostaną rozwiane. Cały zespół ciężko pracuje aby każdemu z nas ułatwić pierwszy krok w drodzę ku wybranej karierze. Chciałabym bardzo podziękować Martynie i Darii za oddanie sprawie. Dziewczyny uwielbiam was, jesteście super!

Justyna | Łódź


Dzięki tej agencji dostałem się na wymarzone studia na kierunku Aerospace Systems Engineering. Agencja zrobi wszystko żeby pomóc swoim podopiecznym (nawet jak wpadną w tarapaty tak jak ja :D). Wszyscy są bardzo mili, uprzejmi, wyluzowani, ale i jednocześnie profesjonalni :) Pozostaje mi tylko polecić tą agencje z całego serduszka!

Mikołaj | Coventry University


Świetna ekipa, wszyscy niezwykle pomocni, widać, że naprawdę chcą pomóc, rozjaśnić całą sytuację. Odpowiadają na wszelkie, nawet najgłupsze pytania 😂, organizują spotkania, wycieczki, webinary. Wszystko, by każdy zainteresowany otrzymał całą niezbędną wiedzę. Polecam! ❤️

Zuzia | Szczecin


Jestem super wdzięczna za przejście cały etap rekrutacji na ostatnią chwilę bez stresu 😅 dzięki Wam udało się zrobić wszystko na czas i mogę być spokojna. Kontakt świetny, pomoc nieoceniona. Odpowiedzą na każde pytanie i pomogą we wszystkim co potrzebne! Polecam :)

Magda | Szczecin


Zdecydowanie polecam! Team pomógł mi na każdym etapie, moja aplikacja została rzetelnie sprawdzona, uzyskałam informacje na temat uczelni i kursów! Proces był dla mnie o wiele mniej stresujący, wiedząc, ze ktoś moze mi doradzić i wytłumaczyć wszystko. Dziekuje!

Kasia | Birkbeck, University of London


Zdecydowanie polecam! Bez pomocy zespołu byłabym dużo bardziej zestresowana i nie wiedziałabym gdzie szukać informacji podczas aplikowania na studia w Anglii. Moje referencje i personal statement zostały rzetelnie sprawdzone, udzielono mi niezbędnych rad i bez problemu dostałam się na wymarzone studia.

Jagoda | London Metropolitan University


Dzięki Studia w Anglii proces rekrutacji nie wydawał się wcale taki straszny :) Otrzymałam ekspresowa pomoc o każdej porze i mogłam się zwrócić z każdym drobnym problemem. Duży plus!

Wiktoria | Jagiełła


Bardzo polecam! Pomoc od A do Z, wyczerpujące tłumaczenia, konsultanci dostępni 24/7. Zdecydowanie pomagają spełniać marzenia i dodatkowo robią to za darmo!

Rafał | Warszawa


Zdecydowanie polecam! Świetni, bardzo pomocni i otwarci ludzie, którzy dokładają wszelkich starań, aby pomóc wszystkim w procesie aplikacji na studia.

Basia | London Metropolitan University


Polecam z całego serca ten fantastyczny team! Dzięki nim osiągnęłam to, o czym jeszcze rok temu nawet nie śniłam i w październiku zaczynam studia na kierunku Global Business Management w Londynie

Weronika | Coventry University


Jestem baaaardzo wdzięczna teamowi Studia w Anglii! Dzięki nim doświadczyłam cudownych rzeczy, poznałam ludzi z całego świata, dostałam możliwość studiowania na uniwersytecie i uzyskania prestiżowego certyfikatu na koniec. Czego chcieć więcej? :)

Dominika | University of Bedfordshire


Konsultanci są bardzo pomocni i rzetelni, zawsze szybko odpowiadają na jakiekolwiek pytania. Sprawnie prowadzą podopiecznych przez proces rekrutacji i nie zostawiają w potrzebie.

Julia | Nottingham Trent University


Pełen profesjonalizm od samego początku, zespół pomaga z najdrobniejszymi sprawami. Dzięki nim ofertę złożyła mi uczelnia mojego pierwszego wyboru! Ci ludzie naprawdę wykonują świetną robotę!

Hubert | Middlesex University


Bardzo polecam ! Pomocni i zaangażowani. Odpowiadali cierpliwie na każde pytanie, udzielali cennych rad i wskazówek. Pomagali w uzupełnieniu aplikacji, sprawdzeniu PS i referencji.

Ola | Dzierżoniów


Polecam serdcznie! Cierpliwosc osób tu pracujacych nie ma granic, ogromna pomoc od samego poczatku do końca aplikacji 24/7! :)

Kasia | Bydgoszcz


Nawet jeśli jedyne co łączy Cię na razie ze studiowaniem w Anglii to po prostu chęci, dzięki temu Teamowi w bardzo szybkim tempie zmienią się one w gotową aplikację i otworzą drzwi do Twoich studiów marzeń! Bardzo szybka pomoc, serdeczni doradcy.

Karolina | Bełchatów

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