MSc Production Engineering and Operations Management


If you would like to pursue a managerial role in factory operations, this MSc in Production Engineering and Operations Management could help you take that next step up.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show the UK’s industrial sector has increased by 1.4% a year since 1948. In our increasingly competitive global marketplace, modern manufacturing companies are being placed under even greater pressure to reduce the time and cost of producing high quality products. To respond effectively to these challenging market requirements, there is a growing demand for highly trained individuals with skills and expertise across engineering, business and management. This Master’s course is designed to meet that need, developing multidisciplinary production engineers capable of designing lean and competitive manufacturing facilities and delivering operational excellence.

Coventry University has a reputation for teaching excellence and a proud history of educating engineers who work in manufacturing across many different industry sectors – automotive, mechanical, process industries (e.g. cement), aerospace, consumer products and complex engineering systems. Our extensive industry links include Jaguar Land Rover, Nissan, MIRA, BAE System and Unipart, with whom we partnered to launch the £32 million Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) – the UK’s first ‘Faculty on the floor’.

Work placement option

This master’s programme provides you with the additional option to apply for a ‚work placement’ opportunity during your first semester with us. The ‚work placement’, which if secured, can be carried out in the second year and is designed to further develop your skills, knowledge and professional experience with the aim of maximising your employability prospects. Please note that the optional placement modules incur an additional tuition fee of £4,000 payable on completion of placement.

Further information can be found under the ‘modules’ tab and on our work placement web page.

Please note that we are unable to guarantee any placement or study abroad opportunities and that any such opportunities referred to on this webpage may be subject to additional costs (e.g. travel, visas and accommodation etc.), competitive application, availability and/or meeting any applicable visa requirements. To ensure that you fully understand the requirements in this regard, please contact the International Office for further details if you are an EU or International student.

Why Coventry University?

An award-winning university, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible experience. We continue to invest in both our facilities and our innovative approach to education. Our students benefit from industry-relevant teaching, and resources and support designed to help them succeed. These range from our modern library and computing facilities to dedicated careers advice and our impressive Students’ Union activities.

Course information

Within the fast-moving 21st century global marketplace, retailers, wholesalers and consumers are demanding a greater variety of products more quickly and at the lowest possible cost. Concerns about the environment are also requiring companies across all sectors to be more accountable and socially responsible, particularly in waste management and reduction.

The overall aim of the course is to advance your abilities within the area of production engineering and operations management so you can assist manufacturing companies to meet these demands head on – achieving competitive advantage and making an impact on profits and sustainability.

We will encourage you to systematically and critically evaluate engineering design and process choices around materials, production technologies and production processes. You will then have the opportunity to design solutions to complex production engineering and operations management problems using 3D computer solid modelling and the latest industry standard software, interfacing with current leading production machines.

You will be required to study many of the more popular approaches being used to improve manufacturing processes with a view to making companies more productive and cost efficient, namely lean and agile manufacturing. Agile manufacturing is designed to respond to an environment of continuous and unanticipated change, focusing on the ability to generate a rapid response to unpredictable customer demand. It relies on capacity to reduce production cycles and requires the support of innovative staff and suppliers. Whereas lean operations, first adopted by Toyota Motors, refer to the operational techniques used to add value by maximising available resources and reducing wastage.

We also aim to cover some of the latest industry trends around automation techniques, including various robot types, robot programming, programmable logic controllers, sensors, vision systems, motion control, safety systems, and design for manufacture. You will have the opportunity to gain practical experience in on-line and off-line robot programming.

A distinct advantage of our course is its vocational nature. We use real-life case studies and examples from local and regional industries, including automotive, aerospace, mechanical and engineering services and their supply chain. For instance, supply chain optimisation, production enhancement and NPI (new product introduction). You may also have opportunities to access to the facilities of the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME), which can enable you to put your learning into practice, working on actual problems in partnership with Unipart to find solutions to current and emerging industrial challenges. Recent projects have involved learning about ‘light-weighting’ of automotive components and systems, for example, for high performance exhaust systems and fuel injection systems.

The course culminates with your dissertation, which provides an opportunity to apply the theories and techniques you have learned. It may focus on one area of study or involve a combination of subjects. In the past, students have considered topics such as comparison of industry across global sectors, introduction of ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems, innovation of methods and techniques from one industry sector to another, design of automation or robotics etc. Your project can be industry-based if you are already working or wish to gain an internship style industrial experience during the third semester (subject to application, additional costs and availability).  For example, solving specific production problems experienced by a company, investigating use of new technologies like 3D-printing, evaluating potential uses of new materials or production techniques or designing new systems or components for efficiency. With the programme being so closely related with AME, there may also be opportunities for involvement with ongoing UK or EU funded research projects run as part of the Institute’s normal research activities (subject to availability, application, meeting any applicable visa requirements and may incur additional costs).

This course includes the Consulting Professional Development module developed in partnership with the Chartered Management Institute.

Why choose this course?

Since leading the Industrial Revolution, Britain has remained a pioneer of new materials and manufacturing processes. Manufacturing contributes £6.7 trillion to the global economy and the UK is currently the 8th largest manufacturing nation in the world, accounting for 54% of exports and directly employing 2.6 million people.

Production engineering is recognised as a highly specialised field for which there is a global shortage of highly skilled professionals. Combining manufacturing technology and engineering sciences with management, production engineers identify new and innovative solutions to optimise production processes in the smoothest, most judicious, economic and sustainable way.

If you are seeking a management career in factory operations and require additional production knowledge, this course could provide opportunities to work on real-world problems, such as optimisation of production layouts, introduction of new products, production problem solving and product/process redesign for sustainability etc.

Teaching is informed by our strong portfolio of industrial research. Many of our academics come from an industrial background and are research active, engaged either in their own individual research area or as part of one of the University’s research institutes. More details of Coventry University’s wide range of research projects and industry partners can be found at

Our industry connections may enable us to deliver a programme of exciting guest speakers, which in the past have included speakers from the BSI (British Standards Institution), Jaguar Land Rover, Rolls Royce and others from within the UK supply chain (guest speakers are subject to availability).

Your studies will be split between our £50m Engineering and Computing Building and the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME), based at Unipart’s Coventry site. You can experience the latest technology on the manufacturing front line, which includes £3m of state-of-the-art robotic automation, forming, joining, analysis and simulation, metrology and product verification technology.

You will have the chance to learn to identify opportunities for the application of new materials and processes and evaluate appropriate production control systems. At the same time, you can develop the skills to assess manufacturing issues with regards to strategic and financial implications, as well as work effectively in a team environment.

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Polecam ekipę z Studia w Anglii! Właśnie wróciłam z wycieczki z Anglii gdzie oprócz zwiedzania atrakcji Londynu, zwiedzaliśmy różne uczelnie takie jak Coventry University i Bucks New University. Wycieczka była wspaniała, uczelnie piękne. Jest całkowicie inaczej jak się je widzi na żywo i rozmawia się pracownikami uczelni niż tylko czytanie o nich na internecie. Dziękuje Daria, Ania i Martina za udzielenie odpowiedzi na wszystkie moje pytania!

Wiktoria | Szczecin


Serdecznie polecam każdemu kto myśli o studiach w Anglii. Dla tych zdecydowanych i tych wahających się w podjęciu decyzji. Pytajcie a wasze wątpliwości zostaną rozwiane. Cały zespół ciężko pracuje aby każdemu z nas ułatwić pierwszy krok w drodzę ku wybranej karierze. Chciałabym bardzo podziękować Martynie i Darii za oddanie sprawie. Dziewczyny uwielbiam was, jesteście super!

Justyna | Łódź


Dzięki tej agencji dostałem się na wymarzone studia na kierunku Aerospace Systems Engineering. Agencja zrobi wszystko żeby pomóc swoim podopiecznym (nawet jak wpadną w tarapaty tak jak ja :D). Wszyscy są bardzo mili, uprzejmi, wyluzowani, ale i jednocześnie profesjonalni :) Pozostaje mi tylko polecić tą agencje z całego serduszka!

Mikołaj | Coventry University


Świetna ekipa, wszyscy niezwykle pomocni, widać, że naprawdę chcą pomóc, rozjaśnić całą sytuację. Odpowiadają na wszelkie, nawet najgłupsze pytania 😂, organizują spotkania, wycieczki, webinary. Wszystko, by każdy zainteresowany otrzymał całą niezbędną wiedzę. Polecam! ❤️

Zuzia | Szczecin


Jestem super wdzięczna za przejście cały etap rekrutacji na ostatnią chwilę bez stresu 😅 dzięki Wam udało się zrobić wszystko na czas i mogę być spokojna. Kontakt świetny, pomoc nieoceniona. Odpowiedzą na każde pytanie i pomogą we wszystkim co potrzebne! Polecam :)

Magda | Szczecin


Zdecydowanie polecam! Team pomógł mi na każdym etapie, moja aplikacja została rzetelnie sprawdzona, uzyskałam informacje na temat uczelni i kursów! Proces był dla mnie o wiele mniej stresujący, wiedząc, ze ktoś moze mi doradzić i wytłumaczyć wszystko. Dziekuje!

Kasia | Birkbeck, University of London


Zdecydowanie polecam! Bez pomocy zespołu byłabym dużo bardziej zestresowana i nie wiedziałabym gdzie szukać informacji podczas aplikowania na studia w Anglii. Moje referencje i personal statement zostały rzetelnie sprawdzone, udzielono mi niezbędnych rad i bez problemu dostałam się na wymarzone studia.

Jagoda | London Metropolitan University


Dzięki Studia w Anglii proces rekrutacji nie wydawał się wcale taki straszny :) Otrzymałam ekspresowa pomoc o każdej porze i mogłam się zwrócić z każdym drobnym problemem. Duży plus!

Wiktoria | Jagiełła


Bardzo polecam! Pomoc od A do Z, wyczerpujące tłumaczenia, konsultanci dostępni 24/7. Zdecydowanie pomagają spełniać marzenia i dodatkowo robią to za darmo!

Rafał | Warszawa


Zdecydowanie polecam! Świetni, bardzo pomocni i otwarci ludzie, którzy dokładają wszelkich starań, aby pomóc wszystkim w procesie aplikacji na studia.

Basia | London Metropolitan University


Polecam z całego serca ten fantastyczny team! Dzięki nim osiągnęłam to, o czym jeszcze rok temu nawet nie śniłam i w październiku zaczynam studia na kierunku Global Business Management w Londynie

Weronika | Coventry University


Jestem baaaardzo wdzięczna teamowi Studia w Anglii! Dzięki nim doświadczyłam cudownych rzeczy, poznałam ludzi z całego świata, dostałam możliwość studiowania na uniwersytecie i uzyskania prestiżowego certyfikatu na koniec. Czego chcieć więcej? :)

Dominika | University of Bedfordshire


Konsultanci są bardzo pomocni i rzetelni, zawsze szybko odpowiadają na jakiekolwiek pytania. Sprawnie prowadzą podopiecznych przez proces rekrutacji i nie zostawiają w potrzebie.

Julia | Nottingham Trent University


Pełen profesjonalizm od samego początku, zespół pomaga z najdrobniejszymi sprawami. Dzięki nim ofertę złożyła mi uczelnia mojego pierwszego wyboru! Ci ludzie naprawdę wykonują świetną robotę!

Hubert | Middlesex University


Bardzo polecam ! Pomocni i zaangażowani. Odpowiadali cierpliwie na każde pytanie, udzielali cennych rad i wskazówek. Pomagali w uzupełnieniu aplikacji, sprawdzeniu PS i referencji.

Ola | Dzierżoniów


Polecam serdcznie! Cierpliwosc osób tu pracujacych nie ma granic, ogromna pomoc od samego poczatku do końca aplikacji 24/7! :)

Kasia | Bydgoszcz


Nawet jeśli jedyne co łączy Cię na razie ze studiowaniem w Anglii to po prostu chęci, dzięki temu Teamowi w bardzo szybkim tempie zmienią się one w gotową aplikację i otworzą drzwi do Twoich studiów marzeń! Bardzo szybka pomoc, serdeczni doradcy.

Karolina | Bełchatów

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